In an effort to simplify and streamline our blog content, we've moved it over to our main website, Ministry to Youth.
All new blog content will be posted there from here on out.
However, we'll still continue to release new 4th-6th grade series in our preteen ministry store.
- Nick Diliberto
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Here are the two most recent posts on the Ministry to Youth blog:
In the midst of the new “quarantine life” we’re living in, I believe there are three opportunities for us all.
Go here to view them.
Here are some of...
Youth of all ages can learn a lot from the lives of Mary and Joseph.The trust this young couple displayed in what God was doing in their lives can be a difficult thing for their minds to comprehend.
Use this free lesson to teach youth of all ages that Mary and Joseph placed all their trust in G...
Written by MS Broudy
Most of the articles we post on our website are written for church leaders who volunteer or lead 4th-6th grade ministry, but this one is different.
This one is written for parents of 4th-6th graders. If you lead or volunteer in preteen ministry, please share this with paren...
A few nights ago, at about 10pm I was doing my nightly routine of cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready for bed. I walked by the laundry room to find a large pile of clean clothes stacked on the folding table and pool table, which serves as an overflow area for our laundry. None of the clot...
Living a life of thankfulness extends far beyond that one day of the year when our families are gathered around a turkey.
Being grateful should be practiced in the thoughts and attitudes of our daily lives.
Whether we can see God’s goodness all around us or we are in a season of trusting him in ...